Incident - Opened

Incidents Opened represents the number of production incidents that occurred during the selected period. This helps to evaluate the business impact on customers & resolve their issues faster.

Typo calculates Incidents Opened based on the number of tickets created for incidents. For calculation, any ticket in your Issue Tracker having a title/tag/label that represents a high-priority production incident can be considered an Incident. This can be configured as per your custom processes.

How does measuring incidents help in improving the Engineering teams' efficiency?

  1. Early Detection: Tracking incidents allows teams to detect issues early, minimizing their impact on users and preventing potential escalations.

  2. Root Cause Analysis: Analysing incident data helps teams identify the root causes of problems, enabling them to address underlying issues and prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

  3. Proactive Problem Solving: Incident metrics enable teams to proactively identify trends and patterns, allowing them to take preemptive actions to prevent recurring incidents and improve system stability.

  4. Resource Allocation: Understanding the frequency and severity of incidents helps teams allocate resources more effectively, ensuring that critical issues receive appropriate attention and prioritization.

  5. Service Level Management: Incident metrics are essential for monitoring service level agreements (SLAs) and ensuring that teams meet their commitments to customers in terms of system availability and performance.

  6. Continuous Improvement: By tracking incidents over time, teams can identify areas for improvement in processes, infrastructure, or code quality, driving continuous improvement initiatives within the organization.

Last updated