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Get a comprehensive view of your entire team with insights like the number of blocked PRs, open issues, developers at risk of burnout, and more.
We’ve organized these insights into three key areas:
Measures the speed and efficiency at which developers deliver features or complete tasks.
The following metrics are part of velocity -
The cycle time is the average duration that Pull requests spend in different stages of the pipeline, including "Coding," "Pickup," "Review," and "Merge."
The "Coding" stage represents the average time taken by developers to write and commit the code changes.
Issue Cycle Time represents the average time it takes for an Issue ticket to transition from the 'In Progress' state to the 'Completion' state.
Issue velocity represents the average number of completed tickets by a team in the selected period.
Reflects the adherence to high standards, reliability, and effectiveness of the code and deliverables produced by developers.
The following metrics are part of Quality -
Code health refers to the number of issues in your code, categorized into two main types: security and vulnerability.
Pull Request merged without review refers to all those pull requests that are merged without the review being approved.
The average number of lines of code added and deleted across all merged pull requests (PRs) within a specified time frame
This represents the average number of commits made to each Pull Request after it is raised for review. It is an indicative measure of the quality of code & code reviews.
CFR(Change Failure Rate) refers to the proportion or percentage of deployments that result in failure or errors, indicating the rate at which changes negatively impact the stability or functionality of the system.
The "Review" stage represents the average time taken to complete the code review of Pull Requests.
Indicates the amount of work completed within a specific time frame.
The following metrics are part of Throughput -
Code changes represent the extent of changes made to the code, quantified by the number of lines of code added or modified.
Coding days represent the average number of days per week each developer commits their code to Git. This metric is different from Coding Time.
This shows the total PRs created in the given periods
The issue resolved represents the number of issues moved to the complete stage in the selected period.
Merge Frequency represents the rate at which the Pull Requests are merged into any of the code branches per day.
Deployment PRs represent the average number of Pull Requests merged in the main/master/production branch per week.